● 软件测评服务主要包括:通用应用软件测评、APP安全检测、信息安全服务三个测评服务方向。
The software evaluation service includes general software evaluation, APP security test , information security.
● GB/T 25000.51-2016《系统与软件工程系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE)第51部分:就绪可用软件产品(RUSP)的质量要求和测试细则》 IEC/ISO25051
System and software engineering - System and software quality requirements and evaluation(SQuaRE)- part 51 requirements for quality of ready to use software software products( RUSP) and instructions for testing
● GB/T 25000.10-2016 《系统与软件工程系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE)第10部分:系统与软件质量模型 IEC/ISO25010
System and software engineering - System and software quality requirements and evaluation(SQuaRE)- part 10 System and software quality models
● 网络安全和漏洞评估
● YY/T1843-2022 医用电气系统及医疗器械软件的网络安全基本要求
IEC/TR80001-2-2 Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices — Part 2-2: Guidance for the communication of medical device security needs, risks and controls