Our service

Centre Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI) is the pioneer and leader in the TIC Industry which provides one-stop solutions on testing, inspection, certification, calibration, audit, training & technical services.


By Industry

Our service capabilties cover the upstream and downstream of the supply chain including textile and apparel,toys,electronic appliances,medical health,food...andother industries.


Comprehensively guarantee quality and safety, promote compliance and innovation, demonstrate brand competitiveness, and achieve higher quality, healthier, safer, and greener sustainable development.

Identification of Trace Evidence

To provide identification services for traffic accident cases, criminal cases and civil proceedings.

Identification of Trace Evidence

   Service background

Forensic identification of trace material evidence is to use the methods of physics, chemistry and instrumental analysis, through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition and structure of related materials, and to identify the types of inspection materials, the homogeneity and identity of suspected samples.

   Service content

Scope of identification:

1. Paint analysis

2. Fiber analysis

3. Glass analysis

4. Rubber analysis

5. Plastic analysis

6. Metal analysis

7. Analysis of gunpowder, explosives and their explosive residues

8. Analysis of bullet shooting residues

9. Oil analysis

10. Analysis of other trace evidence

   Our strengths

1. Forensic identification of trace material evidence is one of the characteristics of the center. It has a series of comprehensive detection equipment, including the common Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer, scanning electron microscope / energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer and other large-scale equipment, providing comprehensive equipment guarantee for the identification of micro evidence.

2. The expert of forensic identification of trace material evidence in our center has many years of rich working experience in detection and identification, is familiar with the physical and chemical properties of various inspection materials, and has perfect quality assurance measures to provide comprehensive technical support for identification.