Our service

Centre Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI) is the pioneer and leader in the TIC Industry which provides one-stop solutions on testing, inspection, certification, calibration, audit, training & technical services.


By Industry

Our service capabilties cover the upstream and downstream of the supply chain including textile and apparel,toys,electronic appliances,medical health,food...andother industries.


Comprehensively guarantee quality and safety, promote compliance and innovation, demonstrate brand competitiveness, and achieve higher quality, healthier, safer, and greener sustainable development.

ESG Management Promotion consulting

The CTI ESG center helps customers to analyze the status of ESG within enterprises and analyze the gap with the rating standards of international rating agencies according to their different needs. In this way, enterprises can improve their ESG management level and improve the ESG rating of listed companies and their performance in the capital market. The CTI ESG center helps customers develop ESG development strategies, identify key performance indicators, and build AN ESG indicator system. Align ESG key performance indicators with industry best practices through peer comparison. In this process, we can help the board of directors to effectively define the ESG related work that the board of directors is responsible for and improve the board's participation. In view of the management improvement gap, Huabao can also provide special services, Such as energy audit, carbon emissions calculation, carbon neutrality services, ISO 9001 Quality management system (QMS) certification, ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) certification, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) certification, ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ITSM) certification, ISO 50001 Energy Management system (EnMS) certification, ISO 37001 anti-corruption Management system (AbMS) certification, etc.

ESG Management Promotion consulting



Some enterprises have not established a sound ESG organizational structure and management system, and ESG management department and work implementation department use different discourse systems, making it difficult to coordinate

There is a gap between the current ESG management structure and the information disclosure system and the information that international rating agencies focus on




Issue a corporate rating diagnosis and promotion report based on the gap between the development status of ESG and the ratings of international rating agencies

,Assist Enterprises to formulate ESG development strategy, build ESG organizational structure and institutional system, and effectively match ESG performance goals to all execution departments according to international standards and requirements of international rating agencies

Assist ESG management in board presentations, promoting board participation in ESG's work

We help companies communicate with rating agencies and answer their questionnaires, helping them improve ESG rating performance