Our service

Centre Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI) is the pioneer and leader in the TIC Industry which provides one-stop solutions on testing, inspection, certification, calibration, audit, training & technical services.


By Industry

Our service capabilties cover the upstream and downstream of the supply chain including textile and apparel,toys,electronic appliances,medical health,food...andother industries.


Comprehensively guarantee quality and safety, promote compliance and innovation, demonstrate brand competitiveness, and achieve higher quality, healthier, safer, and greener sustainable development.

Building Tilt Monitoring

CTI provides on-site monitoring and measurement related building tilt monitoring services, "laying monitoring reference points on the outside of the building and on the extension line of the building facade. For example, for rectangular building layouts, 4 stable reference points should be laid. , The observation point adopts the reflective sheet matched with the total station and is arranged on the facade of the building. An inclinometer can also be used to measure the inclination angle of the building. The inclinometer is divided into two types: fixed type and movable type. Fixed type The probe is fixed and buried at a fixed point inside the structure; the movable type is to bury the inclinometer tube with guide groove first, and the probe is placed in the tube and slides along the guide groove at a certain interval to measure the slope change and calculate the horizontal displacement. "

Building Tilt Monitoring

only available in Chinese version

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